Utility Engineering initiates with Edison or PG&E design. Southern California Edison (SCE) serves Ventura and south Santa Barbara Counties, while Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) serves Northern Santa Barbara County and San Luis Obispo County. We maintain strong relationships with both of these power utilities.

Whenever you require engineering or feedback from SCE or PG&E, don't hesitate to seek our assistance. We are dedicated to delivering prompt, comprehensive, and accurate results from these utilities. We can support you with AIC Rating Letters, Can & Will Serve Letters, Utility Handouts, Temp Power, Vault/Transformer locations, Point of Entry Locations, and Pole Ownership and Tenant information.

As your project plans evolve, reach out to us to advise your architect and engineers on utility sizing and locations. The foundation begins with the electrical design, as other dry utilities base their designs on the SCE/PG&E design. Therefore, applying for SCE/PG&E design EARLY in the project's design phase is crucial to ensuring the correct design is established from the outset. We will handle the application process and assemble the necessary drawings, forms, and supporting documents to deliver an SCE or PG&E Preliminary Design.

Upon receiving the Preliminary Design, we thoroughly review it from the perspective of a contractor and provide feedback. We then circulate it to the consultants and ownership for further comments. Our goal is to coordinate responses with the utility to move the process forward towards a Final Design smoothly and efficiently

Contact us today at 805-431-8840 or keith@ucpsb.com to find out more.